In Mezintel Gamma, samples points logged when the drill bit is ‘off-bottom’ are not shown on the plot. This is useful because it allows you to safely remove points from the plot by manually setting them to be off-bottom. This hides the points rather than delete them. The hidden points can be revealed again by reverting them back to be ‘on-bottom’.
As of version 22.00.045 [1], Mezintel Gamma has three new ways of editing logged samples: by Value, Depth, or Time. Editing points by batches that match these criteria options allows you to work faster, and with better control.
1. Editing Samples by Value Criteria:
This method allows you to specify an exact value or range of values for which the matching sample points can be set to Off-Bottom to be removed from the plot, or set to On-Bottom to reappear on the plot.
2. Editing Samples by Depth Criteria:
This method allows you to specify range of depth for which the matching sample points can be set to Off-Bottom to be removed from the plot, or set to On-Bottom to reappear on the plot.
2. Editing Samples by Time Criteria:
This method allows you to specify a time interval for which the matching sample points can be set to Off-Bottom to be removed from the plot, or set to On-Bottom to reappear on the plot.
Need to Upgrade?
1^ This batch-edit feature was introduced in version 22.00.045 (May 23, 2014).
If your Mezintel Gamma is outdated, you can use the online auto-upgrade to get the latest version.